Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cream Cheese Frosting :(

I made pumpkin bars last night for an office birthday today. I didn't want to have to frost them until this morning when I got to work so they were easier to transport, so I had bought some frosting at the store. I bought Betty Crocker Whipped Cream Cheese Frosting. It looks very pretty on there but it does not TASTE like it is cream cheese frosting at all. I was very disappointed. This is the first time I had tried to buy cream cheese frosting, so I don't know if there are other brands that actually taste like they have cream cheese in them or if it is because it is "whipped". Next time I will just make my own, even if I have to put it in a separate container and frost it later.


Wendy said...

I just bought some of the very same frosting. I guess I will either use it with low expectations or donate it to the food bank. Oh Well!!

Donette said...

It's still okay frosting, as long as you weren't hoping for a strong cream cheese flavor. Guess it was on sale at your store too. :)

Donette said...

One of my coworkers said it reminded him of marshmallows, and he liked it because it was so fluffy. So I'm sure you can still find some good uses for it, just don't tell anyone it's supposed to be cream cheese frosting.